
Major Project Updates!

Ok so I've got quite a lot of work to update on here, so I'll start with something simple:

Here's the link to my new website!  www.artofalexandra.co.cc

Now, it has been working fine this whole week, but for some reason today the servers seem to be down, so please bear with me and hopefully they'll be up and running again soon >.< nothing I can do myself, other than keep my fingers crossed that it'll get fixed!

If you do get a chance to see the site, please be patient and let it load for a little bit first - I haven't yet put the preloaders in so there's a bit of delay, and if you select some of the larger pages before they've loaded it tends to just stop working XD but if you use Firefox or similar, it'll tell you as soon as the whole site is ready :)

Anyway, next up...my Pop-Up book is finished :D yaaay ^_^ ideally I'd like to have put a finishing page on, but I don't have time now, so perhaps I'll add it in at a later stage. Here are all the complete pages in their before and after stages:

There ya go :D hope you enjoy looking through that! I'd love to have a paper version but that's just not possible right now. Maybe in the future I can look into getting it printed though :)

I'll put some more updates in a separate post - this one's getting a little long and I need to go and get some lunch. Sigh...not long left now >.< and I need to get the portfolio book together! Dear dear...


  1. Great simplicity of character design :)

  2. Thank you very much ^_^ you're artwork is beautiful by the way, I shall enjoy following your work!
