
Major Project Updates!

Ok so I've got quite a lot of work to update on here, so I'll start with something simple:

Here's the link to my new website!  www.artofalexandra.co.cc

Now, it has been working fine this whole week, but for some reason today the servers seem to be down, so please bear with me and hopefully they'll be up and running again soon >.< nothing I can do myself, other than keep my fingers crossed that it'll get fixed!

If you do get a chance to see the site, please be patient and let it load for a little bit first - I haven't yet put the preloaders in so there's a bit of delay, and if you select some of the larger pages before they've loaded it tends to just stop working XD but if you use Firefox or similar, it'll tell you as soon as the whole site is ready :)

Anyway, next up...my Pop-Up book is finished :D yaaay ^_^ ideally I'd like to have put a finishing page on, but I don't have time now, so perhaps I'll add it in at a later stage. Here are all the complete pages in their before and after stages:

There ya go :D hope you enjoy looking through that! I'd love to have a paper version but that's just not possible right now. Maybe in the future I can look into getting it printed though :)

I'll put some more updates in a separate post - this one's getting a little long and I need to go and get some lunch. Sigh...not long left now >.< and I need to get the portfolio book together! Dear dear...


Apologies For The Silence (and for this post!!)

I've not updated for a little while, things have been pretty hectic!! I guess I'll start at the top:


Woooooo :D

Yeah, I'm super super super super happy ^_^

I'm so grateful to Lucy who never stopped fighting my corner and pressing the issue whenever she could, so thank you so much Lucy for getting me my first and most wonderful full-time position in the animation industry!! I promise I'll be dedicated and hard-working each and every day to try and help make the series completely amazing!! I also owe so much to Fatemeh for being so patient with me and looking out for me every day, making me feel so welcome and accepted ^_^ And of course Nia in the Rastacrew for giving it that final awesome push and letting me work on the amazing Rastamouse series! To be honest, everyone at Dinamo has been so great to me that really I need a huge scrolling credits list!! None of them will read this, but if they do happen to, I hope they know how much I honestly appreciate the effort they've gone to just for me ^_^

Anyway, enough gushing! The placement details are hopefully going through soon and on the 23rd I'll be signing stuff and starting my first full-time week!! Amazing :D So excited!!

Funnily enough the 23rd happens to be the next weekday after our FINAL MAJOR UNIVERSITY DEADLINE!! Yes, capital letters are necessary, it's that scary!

I've been powering through the work recently so I'll have some work updates for you later. I thought I'd just get this lovely info down first (sorry for those of you who dislike text!) and now I'm going to get back on with the artistic business.

But I do want to add, while I'm gushing with the thanks, one more mention.

University hasn't been as smooth a ride as I hoped it might be, and opinions might have changed back and forth a lot over the years, but there is certainly no way I can in any way say that the tutors haven't always done their best for us. It probably doesn't show, but I'm honestly so incredibly grateful for all the extra work and effort that all the tutors have gone to in order to accommodate my niggling preferences and awkward choice of career path. While the Dinamo crew helped me secure my job, I would never even have gotten work experience there if it wasn't for the tutors doing everything they could to bend and shape this year around my work needs.

So thank you so much - Graham Griffiths, Matt Morgan, Gerald 'M&S' Emanuel, Brian Fagence, Pete Hodges, Nicola Marlborough - even if this job lasts a year, a month, or a week, it's because of your incredible patience and continuing effort that we students even make it out to get jobs at all!!

I know I sound daft, but people rarely bother to thank those that have put in a genuine effort to help them, and I don't want people to think they go unappreciated!

Anyway, enough text for now - back to work!!